Just like any other university student, I focused on excelling in my public exam to get into university and doing internships for a decent grad job. It was the trip to Taiwan where I volunteered as a teacher that made me rethink my life purpose and discover about myself as a person.
Never have I met so many genuine and heartwarming people. My host family was sweet and hospitable; they brought me around to all sorts of tourist sites, introducing me to local food they enjoy. The co-teachers and students that I have met were just as delightful. None of them shunned me for being different, and with the teachers, we all shared about our cultures and teaching methods with open minds. Even now, I still remain in contact with the co-teachers that I have befriended in Taiwan!
I was touched when my class sang me GEM’s song, “喜歡你”, for my farewell. I realized that while all of these people had left a mark on me, I had left my mark on them as well! Seeing them having a growing interest in learning, I learned that I had the potential to bring a change to the world. It was eye-opening to discover myself and realize that I could leave an impact on this world, and it made me a lot more open to stepping out of my comfort zone afterwards. Now that I have completed my volunteer experience, I know that my potential lies not just in my studies, but in my impact on society as well!
I believe that the gist and spotlight of a global volunteer trip are exploring and discovering oneself. I truly enjoyed my time in Taiwan since I could impact others’ lives. Through sharing, I discovered that I can kindle their interest in learning outside classrooms and libraries. They took the initiative to search for things more and proactively raised questions that I had never expected. I rejoiced at the time spent with the young, pure and passionate minds. We opened our hearts and shared our points of view, what we envisioned about the future. The trip offered me the tranquility to think more about my goals and aspirations. It was a golden opportunity for me to reflect on what I had done was right.
A volunteer trip experience does not necessarily glamourize and illuminate your resume or CV. While endeavoring and developing your career path, why not participate in a global volunteer trip? If you follow your heart and step out of your comfort zone, a volunteer trip will be an oasis, a place where you can touch your hearts, transform yourself and shake the world!